Argonite is an inert gas blend consisting of a 50:50 mixture of two gases found naturally in the atmosphere: Argon (Ar) and Nitrogen (N2). An Argonite discharge results in a gas mixture with a density similar to that of air. Therefore:
Argonite extinguishes fire by physically removing oxygen from the atmosphere. In occupied areas, people can breathe safely for short periods of time at design concentrations. There are no toxicological factors associated with the use of Argonite and it will not decompose or produce any by-products when exposed to a flame.
An Argonite discharge will not create a fogging effect and so there is no effect on visibility. Most Argonite systems are designed to extinguish fires with a concentration of approximately 40% and extinguishment is achieved within 1 minute. When Argonite is released into an enclosed space, an inactive atmosphere is established in which the oxygen concentration is decreased from a normal 21% to 12-13% by volume. At this concentration, fires will be effectively extinguished.
Argonite is a colourless, odourless gas. It is environmentally neutral, having zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and zero global warming potential (GWP).
A range of cylinders is available offering a choice of fills and pressures. The latest LPCB approved 300 Bar system offers significant space saving over an equivalent 200 Bar system. Each cylinder is manufactured from high strength alloy steel and is supplied in accordance with the requirements of the various national authorities – inclusive of stamping and certification. The cylinders are mounted in rows and may be installed in any suitable location, even in excess of 100 metres away from the protected areas.
Argonite systems consist of one or more cylinders, usually at 300 Bar pressure, connected via a common manifold. System actuation can be manual or automatic and the gas is discharged through a pipe network and enters the protected area via nozzles. System design, the quantity of gas used, together with computer calculated pipe and nozzle dimensions ensure that the correct amount of Argonite is released effectively.
Argonite’s inerting and extinguishing properties act quickly to extinguish the fire. If more than one area within a building needs to be protected, a single Argonite system, designed to extinguish a fire in the largest room, can be used, with automatic valves directing the Argonite into the required protected space. Provided that there is low risk of more than one fire within the facility at any one time, this can provide significant cost and space savings.
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